The Last Grave

*Mistress Of Darkness*
Girl, 27 years.
Believes in love.


From the past

Girl, 27 years,
sometimes lonely, loving my sweet heart in the rain!

Metro Boy, 24 years,
Passionate living.

Girl, 24 years,


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  sábado, janeiro 31, 2009

I'm going down
Through the mazes of your heart
I don't know why
But I had to start
Deep in your eyes
There was this something more
It dragged me down to you
It shaked me to the core
I saw your face,
Some sadness in your eyes
I wanted to make you glad
I wanted to make you smile
I've said some words
You let me sit down
You allowed me to get close
Something inside me rose
I didn't know what I was doing
I just know I had to talk about
Suddenly my body was moving
And my face was very close to your mouth
Naturally attracted
We both reacted
Touching our lips
It was a bliss
A magical deep'n'long kiss

- 4:23 AM -

  sexta-feira, dezembro 05, 2008

Momentos de inspiração em uma janelinha de instant msgs:

eu me perco nos seus olhos...
me afundo em pensamentos e sentimentos
imaginações s sensações
o tempo muda de contagem
a Terra gira diferente
tudo em volta cria uma nova forma
e o melhor de tudo é saber que não é só ilusão
vc vai estar lá se eu fechar os olhos
e vai continuar lá se eu abrí-los novamente.

- 12:53 PM -

  domingo, novembro 30, 2008

Ok, this is a version in English I did to a brazilian song from the band Kid Abelha. But this is a modified version, to sing it in English. And someday I'll do it and record.

If it wasn't love, there wouldn't be plans
Like a wave it'd break soon
If it was a moment, it wouldn't make any damages,
I wouldn't be on the ground, no, no

If it wasn't love, it wouldn't cause fear
Like a toy it would bore me soon
If it was an illusion I wouldn't miss it that much
And I wouldn't cry on the floor, so

It must be love, it must be, then
It must be love, it must be, love

If it wasn't love, it wouldn't last like that
The flame of a big warm water bath
If it was past it wouldn't pass current
And I wouldn't call it love, oh no

It must be love, it must be, then
It must be love, it must be, love

- 5:04 PM -

  terça-feira, novembro 04, 2008

There is...

There's something in your eyes
A spark that lights my fire inside...
Something hide inside
Something I can feel
Something that I'm hunger for
Something that's real
There's something in your smile
And I cannot lie
I felt for you
I've run to
Do you feel it too?

- 1:56 AM -

  quarta-feira, outubro 29, 2008

For A.

I can't see your eyes right now
But I can feel something
I can back somewhere in time,
in that place,
where I felt your embrace,
where your lips warmed my heart
"I wish you were here" - the song within
And you, laid down on my skin...

- 12:42 AM -

  sábado, agosto 30, 2008

(no title)

I can't breathe
Hands shaking
Head aching
The same old conception:
The truth in you lies
A pile of bills
Red, white and yellow pills
Torpid living
A constant deceiving
Some tears in my eyes
Cars in the street
Cold wind on my feet
Warm colors around
Friend's photos on the wall
Don't look for
Just look at
'Coz in the end
I walk alone.

- 10:45 PM -

  terça-feira, julho 29, 2008

Um "Talvez" fica me encarando
em todas as portas que abro
A maçaneta quebrada,
o passo que enfraquece,
o olhar fitando o chão
E o "Talvez" de braços cruzados,
olhar desafiador,
peito estufado.
Eu me arrasto fielmente,
de cabeça erguida,
até a entrada do paraíso
e levo comigo algumas flores
e a marca dos seus lábios estampada no rosto
a lembrança longíqua de mil anos,
as músicas e as poesias que não escrevi
e prestei atenção
em cada Sol que nasceu
em cada nuvem que se foi
em cada pingo de chuva que caiu lentamente
e se desmanchou no asfalto.
Sua foto no porta-retrato
como uma personagem distante
de um filme que assisti
e não lembro mais o roteiro
As lágrimas secam
As palavras fogem
O silêncio tímido de centenas de sonoras ilusões,
se encontrando em revoadas no céu cinzento
e a minha sombra dança tranquilamente sob a Lua
fugindo da luz sorrateira
Um mágico momento se produz
e eu permaneço encarando o "Talvez",
como se fosse a última vez que tivesse que encará-lo.
Desvio o olhar e sigo em frente,
andando meio cambaleante em direção à felicidade,
seja lá o que isso for.

(Texto por Luciano Pires)

- 5:02 AM -

Without innocence the cross is only iron,
hope is only an illusion & Ocean Soul's nothing but a name...